Elves can Cook Cornbread

What goes well with chili, barbecue chicken, and gumbo? Cornbread, of course. As with most things, there are many ways to make cornbread. Z-Tejas has a buttery, irresistible recipe, and there’s also cornbread with jalapeno bits. A very fond memory for my significant other was the type of cornbread served at Kenny Rogers Roasters. You…

Chili with Corn Bread

Spices, beef, and beans… Don’t you just love a warm bowl of chili? There are a lot of chili recipes out there, ranging from simple to complex. Some regions have specifics rules for their chili, or at least fancy jargon, while others are pretty lax about it. I’ve made various types of chili over the…

Delicious Gumbo with Mixed Meats

Welcome to my kitchen! Your friendly neighborhood elf has cooked up a deliciously spicy gumbo with lots of amazing ingredients. I bet the first question you’ll want to ask is whether it’s Creole or Cajun.  my answer: I’m not a Louisianan elf, so you could say that it’s neither.  If you want to ask about…

Minestrone Soup

Minestrone is a hearty Italian soup that is traditionally made vegetarian.  It contains various vegetables and beans, along with tomatoes and pasta.  I ended up craving some after watching a food television show, and decided to use up some leftovers to make it.  Also, if you’ve been to certain Italian-themed restaurants, you’ll know that they…

Navajo Tacos

This delicious treat is also called Indian fry bread.  I’m not a fan of using ‘Indian’ to signify Native Americans, so I prefer to call this food a Navajo taco.  If you’ve had a chalupa, you are familiar with the fried dough used to make these.  Navajo tacos are sort of a cross between a…

Crock Pot Enchilada Stew

You have probably been to a lot of pot-lucks.  They have a reputation for involving lackluster food and old (but not in a good way) recipes.  It’s hard to get a good dish at a potluck, but when you find one, it’s a real gem.  A few years ago, I had a co-worker share the…

Chicken Noodle Soup

Today we are going to make a classic for when you don’t feel well: chicken noodle soup. I haven’t been feeling well today, and the thought of anything spicy makes my stomach turn, so chicken soup it is! A lot of people will open up a can on condensed soup, but their nutrition and ingredient…